Ep 3: How to Find Your Coaching Niche

Hey there, fabulous CEO Queens! 

Today's episode is all about something near and dear to my heart: finding your niche in the coaching or crafting world. Trust me, it's no walk in the park!
I can still vividly recall those early days when I was bursting with enthusiasm, wanting to help everyone under the sun. But let's face it, trying to be everything to everyone? It's a recipe for burnout, my friends. It took some soul-searching to realize that to truly flourish, I needed to hone in on what felt right for me and my biz.

So, in this episode, we're gonna have a real talk about niches. We'll debunk some myths, sift through the clutter of well-meaning advice, and set the record straight on why having a niche isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a must-have for anyone serious about making it in the coaching or crafting scene.
Get ready for some straight-up, no-BS advice on defining your niche, dodging common pitfalls, and finding your groove in this bustling world of entrepreneurship.
So grab your favorite beverage, cozy up, and let's dive in together. It's gonna be a game-changer, I promise!


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