Taking your craft business to the next level with boutiques and wholesale ventures is an exciting journey. If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed about where to kickstart, trust me, I've been in your shoes and have been navigating the twists and turns of the creative path for over three decades.

In this bustling world of competition, standing out demands more than just crafting beautiful pieces. It requires a unique touch of creativity and a sprinkle of out-of-the-box marketing. It's not just about creating, but about showcasing your creations in a way that captures attention.

Let me be your guide through this process. I'm here to share not only my experiences but also to offer practical strategies tailored to your craft business. Together, we can embark on a journey to transform your online craft business into a venture that gift shops would be eager to feature.

🧵You're unsure of how to craft a marketing plan to attract boutique shop owners?
🧵Your dreams of adding wholesale to the mix of your business remain just that - dreams, with doubts holding you back.

🧵You've started your Craft Business but feel stuck because you just don't have actionable steps to help you get REAL Results

🧵Your struggling to find a cozy spot on gift shop shelves for your crafted items
Let's strategize on how to make your craft shine in the competitive market!



Discover what sets your crafts apart in a crowded market

Learn how to turn one-time shop owners into lifelong clients

Develop strategies to showcase your creations to the world

Your boutique-worthy venture awaits, and I'm here to help you make it a reality!

From Studio to Storefront 

This is 3-Month 1:1 Crafters Program

For Handmade Creative Women eager to venture into boutiques and wholesale, this 4-week craft program is your ticket to success! Your Business Success is my passion, and together, we'll navigate the boutique scene and wholesale world, ensuring your crafts shine and your business thrives in this competitive market.

  • Understand the boutique market: Identify trends, customer preferences, and popular boutiques.
  • Craft a compelling brand story: Ensure your business has a unique and appealing narrative.
  • Create a target list: Identify potential boutiques that align with your brand.
  • Craft a personalized pitch: Tailor your approach for each boutique, emphasizing the value you bring.
  • Pricing and terms: Establish fair wholesale pricing and favorable terms for both parties.
  • Presentation skills: Hone your pitch and presentation to showcase the quality and uniqueness of your products.
  • Closing the deal: Seal the partnership by addressing any concerns and finalizing agreements.
  • Follow-up strategy: Develop a plan for post-deal communication and ongoing relationship building.
Your Investment
(Get $100 off if Paid in Full)


Meet Your Strategy Coach
Hello Creative Queens!

I'm Talena Bacon, a Business Strategy Coach for Coaches and Crafters. 
With over 30 years of experience running my own businesses, I'm all about keeping things SIMPLE, so you can channel all your energy into the right things for your business. 

I'm here to help Creative Women like you achieve big results without running yourself into the ground in the process. Get ready to explore fresh ideas, gain crystal-clear clarity on your business, and implement easy-to-follow marketing strategies that will propel your business forward.

So, if you're ready to transition Your Business into Boutiques, let's embark on this journey TOGETHER!

What others Say.......
Thank you for so much insight. My orders have gone wild with new wording and posting schedules.... 🙂

K McKenna
I got more done in two weeks than in the previous six months and ideas for more! Talena is kind and encouraging.

Thanks to Talena, I have learned so many awesome tips and trucks for making my business successful. Trust her as your business coach and you will not be disappointed.

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